Periods should not be a barrier to workplace success

2 of every 3 menstruating people suffer monthly from period pains that restrict their everyday work life.

cyclio supports employees in actively preventing this discomfort and
sustainably increasing their productivity and well-being.


Find out how we process your data.

"I used to hide my symptoms and suffer in silence until my boss brought it up. Now I feel much more connected to my team.
Victoria, 38, Employee
"Good menstrual health, like mental health, means more equity. It is a must for an inclusive workplace."
Azra, 33, Head of Diversity and Incusivity

Why should I care about periods as an employer?

"Mich hat der Einsatz meines Arbeitgebers in diesem Thema echt beeindruckt. Das trennt die Spreu vom Weizen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt."
Melli, 26, Arbeitnehmerin
Your experience at work?
"I was really impressed by my employer's commitment to this issue. It really made them stand out from the crowd."
Melli, 26, Employee

Warum Unternehmen cyclio wählen

"Gute Menstruationsgesundheit bedeutet mehr Chancengerechtigkeit. Das ist ein Muss, um einen authentisch inklusiven Arbeitsplatz zu schaffen."

"Mich hat der Einsatz meines Arbeitgebers in diesem Thema wirklich beeindruckt. Ich fühle mich nicht nur als Arbeitnehmer sondern als Mensch wahrgenommen."

What cyclio can do for you:

Higher productivity through better cycle awareness

With our preventive approach, we help employees learn more about their bodies. This self-efficacy leads to better time-management during the workday as well as lower absences.

Effective recruitment and employee retention

60% of all companies have difficulty attracting and/or retaining female talent. True equity starts with acknowledging female needs in the workplace.

A safe place from destigmatization

4 out of 5 women do not state the real reason for their absence during their period. cyclio creates a space for dealing with the topic respectfully while protecting the privacy of those affected.

30% pain reduction through acupressure

20-30% pain reduction through yoga

Various studies have proved the effectiveness of yoga in reducing menstrual pain. Yoga not only trains the muscle with movements and stretches, but also reduces cramps and pain hormones in the tissues.


Wissenschaftliche belegte Methoden


20-30% Wirksamkeit konnte bei Yoga und der Reduktion von Schmerzen während der Menstruation durch die Western Sydney University nachgewiesen werden. Bewegungen und Stretch-Übungen aus dem Yoga trainieren zum einen die Muskulatur, zum anderen werden Verkrampfungen und Schmerzhormone im Gewebe besser abgebaut.

Provide your employees with a benefit they really want. Are you in?
Co-founder & CEO